Rise Up With Fists Jenny Lewis

Is been a while since I introduced a girl singer songwriter (in my ongoing campaign on making the blog female friendly). You might know Jenny Lewis from her acting (that black n white cult movie with Leonardo diCaprio where a bunch of kids sit in a diner and talk shit, for instance). She was a child star and for some time she has been a well known and respected country singer in the land of the free and the home of the brave. She has worked with Ben Gibbard from Deathcab for Cutie and Postal Service and you see her here with the Watson Twins. Pretty anoying video, but pretty good song. I like her... I'd do her... enjoy...


Mike Clark said...

soko was ook van jou toch?
van dat liedje "ill kill her"

staat morgenavond in groningen, op eurosonic, en de 12e staat ze in de paradiso.

Sopassé said...

ja soko is leuk idd